Childcare (Early Years Practitioner) CACHE Level 2 - T Level Foundation Year - City of Wolverhampton College

Childcare (Early Years Practitioner) CACHE Level 2 – T Level Foundation Year

Childcare (Early Years Practitioner) CACHE Level 2 –  T Level Foundation Year

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Study Mode: Full Time Programme Component Course Level: 2
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Childcare (Early Years Practitioner) CACHE Level 2 –  T Level Foundation Year

If you want to work in the childcare or early years sector, this T Level Foundation Year is a great place to get your future career underway!

T Levels have been developed in partnership with leading employers in the health and social care industry so you can be sure that the knowledge and skills you gain on the course will be what they are looking for when recruiting new staff.

The Foundation Year is a Level 2 qualification which will give you an overview of the early years sector and you will gain skills, knowledge and understanding in a number of key areas and also get the opportunity to improve your English and maths grades, if necessary. 

A key part of T Level qualifications is work experience and, as part of the course, you will complete an in-depth industry placement in an relevant early years setting which will enable you to work alongside existing staff, put the skills and knowledge you have gained into practice in the work place, and use the learning from your placement to inform your studies back at college. 

You will also have the opportunity to take part in a range of hands-on learning activities and benefit from visits from guest speakers who will provide insights into career opportunites and share their first-hand experience of working in the early years sector.

Successful completion of the course will enable you to progress to the Early Years and Education T Level, which is a Level 3 qualification and is the equivalent of three A Levels. 

Also, if you earn less than £30,000 per year and aged 19 or over, you could study this course for FREE!

To access the course, you are required to have:

  • Four or more GCSEs, including English at grade 3 or above OR
  • Health and Social Care Level 1 qualification with English at grade 3 (D/E) or above
  • An interest in the subject and keenness to study
  • Good attendance and punctuality

You will also be required to attend an interviw with an admissions tutor to determine your suitabilitity for the course and will be required to have a satisfactory DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) check - paperwork for this will be completed during induction week at the start of the academic year.

During this course you will be required to complete 33 credits. You will study the following modules:

  • Support physical care routines for children
  • An introduction to the role of the early year's practitioner
  • Understand how to work in partnership
  •  Understand legislation relating to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children
  •  Use legislation relating to the health and safety of children
  • Use legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice
  •  Understand how to plan to meet the needs of the developing child
  • Supporting children's play
  • Support children's play in early years
  • Support the needs of the child in preparing for school
  • Supporting children's development
  • Use observation, assessment and planning
  • Support children's positive behaviour
  • Engage in professional development
  • Support healthy lifestyles for children through exercise
  • Support creative play

  • By studying this course you will:
  • Develop your understanding of child development
  • Learn how to assess children and plan to meet their individual needs
  • Develop an awareness of health and safety, safeguarding and child protection
  • Develop your confidence in working with children and professionals
  • Improve your study skills
  • Gain valuable team working and communication skills by taking part in group activities

This is an assignment-based course but there will be exams in English and maths depending on the level you complete

  • You will be continually assessed throughout the course by your tutors.
  •  When in placement, you will be observed to meet specific criteria and you will be expected to create activity plans and implement these at this time - full training on how to create these will be provided within this course

The skills you learn on this course will enable you to:

  •  Progress to the Level 3, Year 1 CACHE Certificate in Childcare and Education
  • Level 3 apprenticeship in early years


Throughout the course you will be supported by fully qualified tutors who will provide training in early years, observe and assess your performance in each unit, and check and mark your work and give you regular feedback. They will also support you to develop a portfolio of work and put together your CV or personal statement.

We have excellent feedback from students on this course and many have gained employment or progressed to further/higher level courses at the college and then moved on to university.



Adult Learners

Start Date





Course Fee

Study Mode

Full Time Programme Component

School Leavers

Start Date





Course Fee

Study Mode

Full Time Programme Component

Case Studies


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