T Levels for Business - City of Wolverhampton College

T Levels

T Levels are new qualifications designed to better bridge the gap between education and the workplace.

The qualification focusses on the development of sector-specific vocational skills and include an in-depth industry placement as part of the course, enabling students to progress to employment, higher education or an apprenticeship.

Employer benefits

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Smarter Recruitment

A solution for entry level jobs

Industry placements are an ideal solution for identifying talent to recruit to entry-level jobs and can enable employers to develop their staff to progress to junior positions or apprenticeships with the company.

Cost-effective channel for recruitment

Working with the college to offer an industry placement will give employers access to a talent pool of students keen to work in the sector – reducing advertising and associated recruitment costs.

Develop young people into your industry:

Industry placements give employers the opportunity to work with the workforce of the future at the start of their careers, ensuring they develop the knowledge, attitude and practical skills to succeed in the relevant industry.

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Supporting Staff

Develop management and mentoring skills

Industry placements create opportunities for existing staff to act as buddies, coaches, or line managers to students.

This helps existing staff gain management and mentorship skills, both of which are known to increase job satisfaction.

A fresh perspective

For smaller businesses, young people can be an invaluable source of new, up-to-date and interesting ideas that can improve processes within the business.

Extra help with projects

In a busy working environment, a placement student can be a valuable extra pair of hands, supporting existing employees with the day-to-day work or specific tasks or projects.

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Community support

Improved diversity

Industry placements create opportunities for a wide range range of students which, in turn, can help the business better understand its customers, create better performing teams and increase innovation and creativity

Create shared value in the community

Industry placements help create ‘shared value’ – a way of giving back that benefits the young people in the local community, as well as the business.

Enhanced brand image and profile

A commitment to industry placements can raise the organisation’s profile, locally and nationally, particularly when the new T Level qualifications gain more public exposure with customers and clients.

Our support

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Before the placement

The safety and wellbeing of students is of utmost importance and prior to the placement, the college will ensure that the company complies with all relevant health and safety and safeguarding regulations.*

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During the placement

College staff will carry out three formal reviews but will also regularly check-in with the employer and student to monitor progress and identify any issues that need addressing.

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After the placement

Employers will be encouraged to provide feedback on the success of the placement, the benefits it brought to the business and how the experience could be enhanced in the future

*Employers will be provided with a placement handbook covering what is required by the employer including student induction, placement activities, and key contacts at the college.



Who can do T Levels?

T Levels are available to young people aged 16 and over and are an alternative to A-levels, apprenticeships or traditional full-time courses.

What are T Levels equivalent to?

A T Level qualification is equivalent to three A Levels

How do T Levels work?

Students will spend 80% of the course at college, gaining the skills and knowledge employers need.

The remaining 20% will be spent in a meaningful industry placement, enabling them to put the skills they have learnt into practice and gain valuable experience of working in their chosen sector at the same time.

What is the advantage of an industry placement?

Incorporating placements as part of a student’s course will enable then to develop practical skills in an industry setting, giving them valuable experience and ensuring they are ‘work-ready’ when they complete their qualification.

How long is the industry placement?

Students will be prepared for their placement during lessons and develop important employability skills – such as timekeeping, communication, appearance and organising travel – so that they will know what is expected of them in the workplace and be an asset to the company during their placement

How will students be prepared for their industry placement?

Students will be prepared for their placement during lessons and develop important employability skills – such as timekeeping, communication, appearance and organising travel – so that they will know what is expected of them in the workplace and be an asset to the company during their placement.

How will T Levels benefit employers?

It’s not just students who benefit from T Levels!

Offering an industry placement can help employers with recruitment by giving them access to students who are eager and enthusiastic to work in their chosen sector.

Students on placement will be keen to demonstrate their skills – and existing employees will benefit from their up-to-date industry knowledge too.

Take a look at the benefits work experience placements can bring to your company

Will employers get paid for offering industry placements?

Employers do not get paid for offering industry placements, however for the 2023/24 academic year, the college has been allocated funds to support employers with legitimate costs that might be incurred when offering industry placements.

Administrative Costs

Financial support to cover administration costs including setting up processes and procedures, organisational systems and a physical workspace to support delivery of the industry placement.

Training Costs

Financial support to train existing staff to develop their knowledge and build their confidence in offering and delivering high quality placements.

Tangible Costs Financial support for the provision of PPE or other equipment, insurance, mandatory training and supplies directly related to the industry placement.

These costs may also include supervisory and transport costs where applicable.


If you would like to be part of a group of employers who want to inspire young people, maximise their learning opportunities, discover new talent and raise the profile of the company to the next generation of employees, we’d love to hear from you.


01902 821165

