“I started A levels at school but changed as they weren’t for me – and it’s probably the best decision I’ve ever made!,” said 19-year-old Alex Pavey who is in the first year of the two-year Level 3 extended diploma in music technology.
Alex, who wants to be a live music sound engineer in the future, added: “Music is my passion and I love how someone’s day can be influenced just by listening to a song,
“So far I’ve learnt how to set up a music studio, make tracks, add tempos, and use equalisers, as well as how different effects and equipment can make guitars sound different.
“Each week we have lessons at the Slade Rooms – a live music venue in the centre of Wolverhampton – and are learning how to set up live events and how to use different types of microphones for different sounds, instruments and voices – before I started the course I didn’t even think about any of this!
“The tutors made lessons really interesting as they’ve got experience of working in the industry themselves and it’s a good environment to learn in as there are small class sizes and everyone has the same interest and goals so can help each other out – I feel like I’m where I’m meant to be!”