“I feel happy doing the work at college and am finally studying something I’m passionate about,” said 19-year-old Alex Pavey when we caught up with him to ask him how his second term of the Level 3 extended diploma in music performance and production is going.
Alex added: “The course is going well! I’ve had a great time working alongside my classmates on the production studio side of the course and have learnt many new skills since you last spoke to me, including how to mix and master final pieces.
“On the written side, there’s been a lot of work to do but I‘ve had support from the tutors and have kept organised and managed to hand everything in on time – and when I got my results and I’d met the set criteria, it made me feel great!
“I’m now starting work on my final major project, which will be a lot of work, but as a class we support each other, and the tutors also support us to make it through.
“I still want a career in the music industry but, because if what I’ve been learning about this term, my eyes have been opened to many other potential career opportunities that are available.”
Read what Adam had to say about Term 1 here