Ashraf Khan – Automotive IMI Level 3 - City of Wolverhampton College

Ashraf Khan – Automotive IMI Level 3

10 Sep 2024
Black square with the words Student Story in capital letters in the middle
Black square with the words Student Story in capital letters in the middle

Twenty-year-old Ashraf Khan had a passion for cars which led him to enrol at the college to study Automotive. After completing his level 2 qualification in 2023 he was awarded the prestigious title of student of the year, and now as he approaches the end of his Level 3 qualification has a bright future ahead.

Ashraf said: “I have learnt many skills in the automotive sector since starting at the college. These include electric wiring, diagnostics, transmission system, chassis system, how to diagnose cars, and understanding different system in the vehicle. As well as these practical skills I have also developed my communication skills by working with my peers to complete tasks that I am not sure on.  After completing my Level 3 my plan is to continue learning on a HE course before starting my career in the automotive industry.

“Anyone interested in coming to college I would tell them to give it a go, don’t be put off by college and the new environment. I moved from Westminster College to City of Wolverhampton College and found the transition to be very straight forward. I was supported by my tutors and peers to settle in as well as with the workload. Tutors have always provided detailed information to better my understanding with topics.”

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