“I was never academic and never considered myself to be capable of academic study, however the skills I gained at the beginning of the foundation degree enabled me to think differently,” said 48-year-old Lisa Broome.
Lisa, who started the Foundation Degree in Early Years when she was 40, progressed to a BA (Hons) in Childhood and Family Services at the University of Wolverhampton – graduating with a First Class Honours – is now in the final year of a MA in Education and is planning on doing a Doctorate in Education.
She added: “I did my original NNEB training at the college in 1989 and had worked in an early years setting for many years, but I wanted to consolidate my practical experience and gain recognition and professional status.
“I also wanted to be able to study part-time in the evenings and continue my personal and professional development whilst continuing my commitment to my role as a nursery manager – the foundation degree enabled me to do this.
“The skills I learnt at college enabled me to confidently progress to university. I had become familiar and confident in accessing reading materials and research, and the modules on the foundation degree provided the opportunity for critical and reflective thinking, discussion and debate – all relevant to the contemporary area of early years’ education and so it was a smooth transition to the degree. I felt so proud when I graduated and felt that I had consolidated my many years of experience and achieved professional status as an early years’ practitioner – it was very empowering and liberating!
“Throughout my studies I have continued in my role as an early years’ manager however this has diversified and I am now involved in European early years research and have further research planned with the university. I remain passionate about early years and making a difference to the children and young people I work with.
“A higher education route is a journey and can be done at a pace and path which personally suits you – the key is to confidently embrace the experience, to commit to your chosen path and engage in each learning opportunity, lecture, discussion and module.
“City of Wolverhampton College and the University of Wolverhampton offer the opportunity to succeed and choose a path that’s right for you. My learning journey continues!”