Twenty-year-old Logan Jackson chose college over university when it came to studying computer games design.
Logan, who is in the first year of the two-year Level 3 diploma, said: “I looked at university courses and realised that they were taught at a much slower pace, so I opted to come to college to learn quicker.
“The course has covered 3D modelling, 3D games design and programming and I was able to use the skills I’ve learnt on the course when I did work experience at two games design companies – Codemasters and Flix Interactive.”
He added: “School teaches you how to work for someone, whereas college teaches you what you can do yourself – the tutors can’t do enough for you and will help with any problems you’ve got.
“Coming to college was definitely the right decision for me – I just wish I’d come here sooner!”
After completing his qualification, Logan is hoping to go to Staffordshire University to do a BA in Game Art.