People wanting to find out more about courses at City of Wolverhampton College can talk to tutors online during a week of virtual open evenings next month.
The events will take place from Monday 14 to Thursday 17 June, 4pm-7pm, via the Zoom platform, with dedicated hour-long sessions for specific subject areas.
Sessions on June 14 will cover business and computing 4pm-5pm, automotive and engineering 5pm-6pm and futures programmes for students with special educational needs, from 6pm to 7pm.
A Levels, access to higher education, creative arts, science and teaching courses will be covered on Tuesday 15 June, with sessions on apprenticeships, construction, and English and maths courses on Wednesday 16 June.
People interested in qualifications in counselling, early years, hair and beauty, health and social care, hospitality, public services, sport and travel can join sessions on Thursday 17 June.
Those joining the sessions will be able to have individual face-to-face discussions with tutors about full-time and part-time qualifications getting underway in September, apprenticeship opportunities with employers in the local area and sector-based training programmes enabling people re-train to improve their employment prospects.
People wishing to attend must register in advance to receive a link to join the relevant session and, once the event starts, will be connected for a one-to-one discussion with a tutor, careers advisor or apprenticeship recruitment officer.
Book a place at the virtual open event here.
Find details of all courses, qualifications and apprenticeships offered by the college here.